Primus inter pares
~ Stella Fallingstar ~

2004 Chestnut Mare. Westrek Kiowah x Bridlesweet Duffy.
14.3 hands. 100% Foundation
Stella is a wonderful example of the traditional Morgan Horse being of robust construction and naturally up-headed. She has a broad chest balanced by a strong hind quarters which is testimony to the power of the traditional Morgan Horse.
The first part of Stella's life was spent as a broodmare in Wisconsin where she had a single registered foal. She has had 2 great foals for us so far. Susan Suber of Sugar Shack Farms purchased Stella and brought her to South Carolina. We purchased Stella in 2013 and will be eternally greatful to Susan for the opportunity. Stella has been used on trail rides and started ground driving.
the bloodlines
Sire: Westrek Kiowah Dam: Bridlesweet Duffy
The Sire: Kiowah's pedigree is an adrenaline shot of foundation with some of the oldest and best foundation lines. In 5 generations his pedigree includes Flyhawk(x2), Senator Graham(x2), Captain Red(x3), Senator Knox, Cornwallis, Juban, Gizea(Go HawkxLiza Jane), Gildia (Go Hawk), and Benita (Knox Morgan). Kiowah has 24 crosses to Knox Morgan in 9 generations from 7 different lines.
The Dam: Duffy's pedigree is rich in old Lippitt bloodlines. She is line bred Bald Mt Glory (Easter TwilightxHelens Glory) through Tillicum Roland Ash(x2) and Tillicum Diana Ash. Bald Mt Glory has the following on his 4th line of his pedigree: Ashbrook, Lippitt Sallie, Rob Roy, Emily, Lippitt Ethan Ash, Croydon Mary, Florette, and Ethan Allen 3rd. She is also a grand daughter of Meadowood Don Juan whose offspring were valued as driving horses by amish for their endurance and dependability.

Chests like Stella's are getting hard to find.

Foals by Stella below
Stella has had the following foals to date:
Primus Red Dorwood Knox - 2017 Chestnut Colt (sire, Springlake Pallidin)
Primus Rebel Countess - 2018 Bay Filly (sire, Springlake Pallidin)

Breeding Notes:
Pal is linebred The Yankee who goes back to Juzan (Jubilee King son). Stella is linebred Captain Red who is by Juban by Jubilee King. There is a lot of Knox Morgan behind both of these horses, a foal will carry 8% Knox Morgan Blood (10 generation pedigree). Both Pal and Stella also carry old government, Lippitt, and Flyhawk bloodlines. This is an exceptional foal.