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The Farm
Large Black Hogs
The farm raised four registered Large Black Hog sows in 2013, two for our family and two for friends. Large Black Hogs are listed as critical by The Livestock Conservancy and are reknown for their productivity as pasture pigs and gentle nature.
We retained the best Large Black sow, who is named Delores, and plan on breeding her. In the mean time, purchused two Hampshire x Duroc feeders in fall of 2014 to put some more pork in the freezer. We are excited to get more Large Blacks.
Delores - Large Black Hog on pasture
Hogs (9).JPG
Hogs (8).JPG
2014-11-16 Farm (1).jpg
2014-04-01 Delores Flowers.JPG
2014-03-23 Delores Mud.jpg
2014-01-29 Delores Snout.JPG
2013-10-25 Hogs Concrete (1).jpg
2013-07-19 Pigs.JPG
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (9).jpg
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (8).jpg
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (7).jpg
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (6).jpg
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (5).jpg
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (4).jpg
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (3).jpg
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (2).jpg
2013-07-07 Piglets Squash (1).jpg
2014-11-16 Farm (3).jpg
2014-10-13 Piglets.jpg
We currently have a small flock of Black Copper Marans. Not a breed known as prolific layers but produce a wonderful dark brown egg. They have made savvy free range birds at the farm.
2015-02-22 Roosters (3)_edited.JPG
2015-02-22 Roosters (1).JPG
2015-02-22 Roosters (2).JPG
2014-11-29 Farm (36).jpg
2014-09-27 Maran Rooster.jpg
Honey Bees
The farm used to keep honey bees, but sadly, they parished. We plan to re-establish our apiary soon. Beeswax is a handy material with the wood and leather around the farm. The honey doesn't last long either!
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