Primus inter pares
Primus Morgans is located at small farm in Manchester, Michigan. Our farm focuses on producing old type Morgans who will succeed in a variety of disciplines under saddle and in harness. Our breeding program strives to produce horses that work with you and not against you. This is important to us as we want people to be successful with their horses without being a professional trainer. With the right attitude we also look for composure and self confidence in the horse. These qualities really show themselves in the driving horse.
Our herd is built around the stallion Springlake Pallidin. Pal was an outstanding Morgan and the example of type we strive to produce. Most of the horses we breed carry his genetics through his son, Primus Blackhawk Knox or one of his four daughters in our broodmare herd.

The Morgan was the breed of choice in this country when we really needed horses to get it done. In the past 50 years horse owners have followed a trend to get into specialized breeds. The Morgan itself has been bred towards refinement and increased action as is the preference of the Morgan show community. We respect and admire all these horses including the modern Morgan but the old blooded Morgan horses is where it is at for us.
The motto "Primus Inter Pares" appears at the top of this page which is Latin for to "First Among Equals". The original Morgan horse is unrivaled as an all-around doing animal and this is the standard Primus Morgans strives to achieve.